Henry L Farmer V Foundation Golf Fundraiser
June 2nd, 2025
Oak Hills Golf Course
Norwalk, CT
The Henry L. Farmer V Charitable Foundation is pleased to host our 2nd annual charity golf tournament at Oak Hills Park. Our tournament is in the loving memory of Henry Farmer who we will forever hold in our hearts. Our fundraising efforts will support scholarships to graduating seniors in the area who are pursuing a 2-year or 4-year college or trade school and the future graduates of the Adam J Lewis Academy in Bridgeport (Adam J. Lewis Academy). The Foundation also supports the great work at the Friends of Darien Youth Hockey Association (DYHA), The Darien Depot (Darien Depot - Darien Youth Center - Darien Depot), Post 53 (Post 53 - Emergency Medical Services of Darien, CT) and DAF Media (DAF Media – Live Broadcasting).
Event Golfing Options
Over 21 yr* Golfer, Buffet Lunch & Dinner + 4 alcoholic drink tickets** ($275)
Under 21 yr Golfer, Buffet Lunch & Dinner + 4 non-alcoholic drink tickets** ($150)
Over 21 yr* Cocktail Hour (3 alcoholic drink tickets) with apps & Dinner Only ($125)
Under 21 yr Cocktail Hour (with 3 non-alcoholic drink tickets) with apps & Dinner Only ($75)
*As of June 2, 2025
** Beverages can be ordered at beverage carts on course, halfway house or during Cocktail hour
Event Schedule
11:00AM - 12:30PM Pre-Registration
11:00AM - 12:45PM Lunch at Odeen's (Restaurant at Oak Hills)
11:00AM - 12:45PM Putting, Hitting Bays and Warm Up
1:00PM Tournament Begins
1:00PM - 6:00PM Snacks / Cart Wagon
5:00PM - 6:00PM Cocktails
5:30PM - 6:00PM Tournament Concludes
6:00PM - 7:00PM Dinner at Odeen's (Restaurant at Oak Hills)
6:45PM Silent Auction Closes
7:00PM Announcement for Silent Auction, Raffle, Skills Prize and Tournament Winners
7:30PM Event Concludes
Sponsorship Opportunities
2 Foursomes
1 Hole Flag / Signage
Recognition on emails including (but not limited to) Save The Date, Registration, Thanks You, as well as on the website
Event Signage
1 Foursome
1 Hole Flag / Signage
Inclusion on emails including (but not limited to) Save The Date, Registration, Thank Yous, as well as on the website
Event Signage
1 Twosome
1 Hole Flag / Signage
Inclusion on emails including (but not limited to) Save The Date, Registration, Thank Yous, as well as on the website
Event Signage
Inclusion in emails and website
Event Signage
Signage on Front 9 & Back 9 Beverage Carts, Halfway House and on Bar at Odeen’s Restaurant
Inclusion in emails and website
Inclusion in emails and website
Event Signage
Inclusion in emails and website
Event Signage
Inclusion in emails and website
Event Signage
Inclusion in emails and website
Event Signage at the Putting Green
Inclusion in emails and website
Event Signage
Please reach out to sima@henryfarmerfoundation.org to inquire about sponsoring the event.
Our Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Jennie & Brian Foresta
Abby & Mark Crawley